Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Google Earth data sets: Plates and Hotspots

Google Earth is an exciting new visualization platform for geological and geophysical data (as well as other types). It is especially useful for seeing information pertinent to plate tectonics: isotopic ages of “hotspot” and subduction-related magmatism, contemporary and paleo-stress indicators, magnetic isochrons, plate reconstructions, and plate-hotspot models.

I have posted a number of such data sets on the Google Earth Community website. The links below provide access to Google Earth native format (“kmz”) data sets. More information is provided with each post and internally in each data set.

Isotopic Dates from East African Volcanics
US Cordilleran Igneous Isotopic Dates LT 40 Ma
Isotopic Dates from Global "Hotspot" Traces
Average Ages for Pacific Hotspot Sample Locations
Stresses - Present to 130 Ma
Hotspot rotback
Isotopic Dates from Baksi (1999) - Original Data
Recalculated Isotopic Dates from Baksi (1999)
Isotopic Dates Compiled by O'Neill et al (2005)
Magnetic Isochrons from Müller et al (1997)
Ar/Ar Dates from Hawaiian-Emperor Chain

I intend to post more data sets to the Google Earth Community site, with links noted here, too.

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